Smith Creek Bible Study Hall logo

We Are:

Not Us:


Grafted onto Hebrew Roots

Sabbath Following



Two Gender

Home Schooling

Creation Scientists

Prophecy Anticipating
Current Event Aware
Conspiracy Scholars

What Climate Change?

Celebrating God's Feasts

What Rapture?

a Bible Trusting Church!

Sunday Worship? WRONG.
Ever read Exodus 20:8-11??

Vegetarianism? WRONG.
Why did Noah save more "clean" animals? [Genesis 7:2]
The "sweet savor" was God's favorite - BARBECUE! [Genesis 8:20-21]

Perversion Tolerated? WRONG.
36 verses at least. Got a flyer for you.
"Homosexuality and the Bible," ©2012 WMI, Dr. Jonathan Hansen [PDF]

Pro "Choice?" WRONG.
When is "it" not human? When are THEY not alive? [Exodus 20:13]

Pray to Dead People? WRONG.
Even Jesus prayed to YHVH "Our Father" [Matthew 6:9-13]

Celebrate Christmas? WRONG.
Jesus was conceived at Chanukah [Luke 1:5,13,24-33,36 etc.]
and born at Tabernacles [we do it right in Zechariah 14:16]

Celebrate Easter? WRONG.
We're told to celebrate The Passover [Lamb]
[Exodus 12:47. Which tribe(s) are you?]

Church Spires? WRONG.
These and obelisks are pagan abominations,
remnants of fertility cults

Censored Speech? WRONG
Politics and Religion MUST mix. Watch!
[Revelation 20:4, 21:1-7]

We ARE NOT part of the "Hebrew Roots" movement that was recently popular.
We believe that rightly dividing the Word implies a synthesis.

We ARE NOT associated with the Assemblies of Yahweh national cult.